Hector - Year 8 student

When you first heard that NZ was moving to Alert Levels 3 & 4, what did you think? How did you feel?

I felt indifferent. Then I thought about lockdown as a bit like a giant rainy day when you know you can’t go outside but it’s okay because you know you’ve got enough to do inside.

How has your daily routine been affected?

School days are usually six hours long. Home school takes about 2-3 hours so I have more time to do the things I really like doing – like writing, coding and reading. But I’d prefer to go to school because it’s a bit depressing not seeing my friends and it’s better having the teachers available at the time I need to ask them questions.

What have been the best things/hardest things about the lockdown?

The best thing has been having more time to do my own stuff. On a normal school day I need to get ready for school, get to school and be at school most of the day. After school, I’m often too tired to do the things I really want to do. It’s been hard getting into the mindset of doing school work at home but it’s possible.

What have you missed/not missed?

I’ve missed my friends but realised that I don’t need to see them as much as I thought I did. I can still post stuff online for them to see, text and talk to them. I’ve missed playing games and making jokes with friends at school.

What have you been thinking about more/less?

I’ve realised how often I touch my face without thinking about it. When I’ve watched movies lately, I’ve noticed how often people shake hands and are physically close to each other. Lockdown has also made me think more about nature.

Have you learned anything new?

I half knew this before now but I have learned that I prefer doing things in the evenings when it’s darker, and more relaxed with fewer distractions to catch my eye.

Can you liken this time to any other time in your life?

For the last few years, I suffered from chronic fatigue so I was at home a lot but looking back that was worse because I could only read and listen to music. During lockdown I’ve had the energy to do things outside - go for walks in the bush and at the beach every day.

What have you appreciated/felt grateful for during the lockdown?

I’ve felt grateful about being indifferent. At some point I saw a headline that mentioned a 14 year old who thought we were all going to die (from Covid-19). I thought ‘I’m two years younger than her and don’t care’. Of course I’d prefer no one died but I wasn’t scared.

What, if anything, do you think might change in the world after Covid-19 is under control or eliminated?

If a pandemic like this happens again, we will have extra knowledge about how to deal with it. We’ll know if we don’t stop it early, it has the potential to be a dangerous thing. I think people will be better about hygiene. If Covid-19 doesn’t make people wash their hands more often, I’m not sure what will.

In a word (or more), how do you imagine describing this time when looking back on it in a year or so?

Not as productive as I could have been. I can imagine thinking ‘I could’ve done this or that but didn’t.’ I had a lot of time but didn’t finish everything I wanted to.


Jenny - urban retiree


Tony - retired farmer